On-demand Fuel Delivery service 24/7

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

How do you find my car?

Our service pros head straight to your parking spot when you pin your location in the app. We confirm it’s you based on the vehicle details you provide (make, model, license plate, etc.)

How do you access my fuel tank to fill it?

How do you access my fuel tank to fill it? Just pop your fuel tank door before you head inside! If someone closes it, we’ll reach out via text message to let you know.

How do I know when mache has delivered my fuel?

We’ll shoot you an email and a text when your Bulk Delivery is complete.

What do I do if I need to leave or move my car?

Simply edit your location in the app, or cancel your order — no charge!

How do I know the quantity is correct?

Our trucks have approved Weights and Measures pumps, just like the ones at fuel stations. Our pumps are regularly calibrated to make sure we deliver the correct quantity every time.

When do you deliver?

For the majority of Bulk Delivery zones, free standard delivery is Monday through Friday by 4:30 PM. Express options may be available for delivery by noon, or later in the day — fees apply. Check the app or reach out to our support team if you’d like more information on delivery windows at your campus.

Refund Safety

How safe is mache?

Safety is our top priority and our standards are high. We work with officials in the communities we serve to ensure we are in compliance with all local ordinances.

Service professional safety?

Every service professional undergoes a thorough background check, completes rigorous safety training for hazardous materials, and has a commercial driver’s license.

Truck safety?

Our trucks are made by the same manufacturers who make jet fuel trucks. They’re equipped with features built for the runway, yet perfect for maneuvering around a parking lot.

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